woensdag 22 februari 2012

A great party, no?

Today is the first day after five days of festivities in Noord-Brabant. Most of the youngsters and adults alike will have great memories of these days, and the ones who really got the party going might have no memories of what they did at all.

No matter if you do or don't remember what you did during Carnival, luckily there is Fijnfisjenie. Fijnfisjenie is dialect which means as much as "It's a good party". Fijnfisjenie is broadcasted by the regional tv station OmroepBrabant, and features the most beautiful processions, the best comedy and of course carnival music, all mixed into one show. The show can be seen online here. That's all very nice of course, but what does it have to do with your own experiences during Carnival?

Well, this year Fijnfisjenie also provides the opportunity to get your photographs and texts published on their site. So, if you want your memories to last forever, you should place them on their site for all the world to see!

It's very simple, just use #fijnfisjenie on Twitter or Mobypicture and your tweets and pictures will appear on the website! Share your favorite moments, or if you can't remember what you did during the last few days, see if you can find some (embarrasing) pictures of yourself online to get an impression.

To give you all a look inside our Carnival, just take a look at the following picture:

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